I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania-Bethlehem to be exact, and though my opportunities to explore my artistic prowess were few and far between, the people that surrounded me made sure to encourage me every chance they got. Ever since I was little, I loved bringing my ideas to life-whether that was by chalking up the street or doodling on a whiteboard, an instrument of illustration was always in my hand.

I began my illustrative journey by re-creating comic book panels, looking at the images for reference and replicating what I saw. I took particular interest in the works of Jim Lee and Robert Valley, and quickly integrated some of their techniques into my own work. The older I got, the more I branched into original works, and further developed my skills in college. Now, my drawings come to life by way of digital platforms like Adobe Illustrator and Procreate.

As I continue to build on my skills, I hope to incorporate more of my cultures and beliefs into my works, as they both contribute to the artist I am today.

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